Mama's Big Ol' Blog

My old blog. Like nostalgia for the old mama over here.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Job Wanted

Know anyone who would hire me to do stuff for them that won't kill my wrists or involve heavy lifting, and that pays $10 per hour or more? I'm desperate and will consider all reasonable offers.

I can edit, write; cook; wash diapers; manage conflict; read quickly; manage three conversations at once, usually without raising my voice; play with dogs; pet cats; sweep; teach; drive; walk; notice things; listen to birds; be quiet; listen; cry; laugh [although that doesn't happen very much any more]; and find flaws in almost any big picture ;) Plus I've been employed for most of my adult life and know how to keep my mouth most of the way shut when I need to. Just don't ask me to lie or eat meat.

Sick but not pathological

So we have all been crappy sick for days. It's been well over a week that no one has had any kind of contagious, wearying, hacking, feverish, or other cold-related symptom(s). And in that time, we've had shitty kitty spayed, discovered her lingering gut issues, and figured out that we are beyond broke and don't really know how we are going to pay for all the stuff that needs to be paid. You know, little things like state and federal taxes. All said, we're not the happiest bunch.

And there are other family issues which should have been business issues a year ago that are just now getting ugly. And that little ambiguity is all I'll say about that.

But the good news is that I no longer feel completely overwhelmed. I must be on the mend, even though day three of 2 hours of sleep [Pearl doesn't really sleep when she has nighttime fevers] looms large this evening. It's almost Spring, the birds are so busy - eagles and hawks and the local blue jays and crows all pairing off and preparing to make more of themselves. The snow has started to melt. There was even a day I went outside without a jacket [!] and wasn't too cold. I suspect I'll be taking Pearl with me on treks on the land out here; we recently had a little adventure on an afternoon I was really too sick to be out but felt sorry for her being cooped up so long.

Oh well. See my next entry for my next request...

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Know a good Book?

Twice in one night, can you believe it? It must be the port.

I'm looking for book recommendations. Yes, oh yes, from You, fellow readers. I have a couple credits to burn at the Paperback Book Swap, and I want some juicy tomes. My current interests are:

really spectacular children's/girl's books; the kind you can keep and read for years
so-called "green magic" - plant and cooking witchery
gods, including ancient Polish/European gods and Pan [my personal favorite]
the Hindu goddess kali/kali-ma
dreams and dream interpretation
old european goddess worship/ritual
inspiring nature and science fiction writing
killer poetry [not necessarily carnivore poetry; more like poetry that knocks your socks off]

OK, lay it on me. I can let you all know if I order anything you've recommended, and what I think of it all. But all recommendations are most welcome!

no more shitty kitty

Well, it appears that our kitty is well again. *knocks on wood*

Turns out the well water here somehow made her sick. Either it was the copper or something else; we'll never know exactly what made her so ill. And the best news after this is that she licked a bowl with yogurt in it that was left unwashed in the sink, and.... nothing happened! Woo hoo!

We've rescheduled her spay appt. and I think it'll work this time. She's eating great, lots of raw food and some dry, too. Her poop is totally normal. She is getting close to sexual maturity and we'll just squeak in, I think.

No disease, no illness, just water quality. It feels great to not have to clean up her runny shit all day.

Sunday, March 02, 2008


We have discovered green foam on our boiling burdock root and steel cut oats. We understand this to be an indication of corrosion in our copper pipes, the copper leaching into our drinking water. And guess what? Copper overdose symptoms include -- guess -- diarrhea and anemia. So, we've filtered our water for copper and other things. How long has copper been leaching into our water? No clue. But it's gone now. We also have started giving her raw food in addition to her dry. Rose just looooves the raw food!

Her poop is a little better today, after these two changes and the our giving her filtered water we had on hand yesterday.

And just in case it's coccidia, we've ordered Kocci Free herb formula from Wolf Creek Ranch, a kind of cool company in southern Cali that makes a lot of cool pet stuff.

Keep your fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for kitty, leading to an increased blood count and getting spayed soon. We really, really, really don't want her to start her heat cycles. Really.