Mama's Big Ol' Blog

My old blog. Like nostalgia for the old mama over here.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The boob is good

Nothing says "peace and quiet" quite like a boob in the mouth.

That is all.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

HA update

After having to write and sign a statement saying we will report accurately in the future, according to the terms in our lease, we left the "interview" with the Private Investigator relatively pain-free. Such crap.

We were never informed of our rights. We were never informed that we were under investigation - until we met the investigator. We were never informed that our paperwork seemed to be improper - other than its being past 10 days from the attested date of the change. There is no written policy to handle how we should report changes in Chris's schedule that are not clear-cut: i.e., when it is not clear to the employee and his manager when he changes from covering shifts to more permanent increase in hours, how is that reported? The PI never believed us that Chris didn't know how much his raises were going to be until he received his paychecks, two or three weeks after the fact. Of course, you'd think that wasn't our problem, but the PI's, since it's a fact. But no. AND did anyone EVER contact Chris's boss with their suspicions, even after Chris told them all to contact her if there were questions? Heck no. We are supposed to feel thankful to him and the HA because *even though* he said there was evidence of fraud [harumph! whatever], they weren't going to pursue it any farther because they "value" us as tenants. Classic intimidation. It just gets weirder and weirder.

Of course, Chris knew that his submitted paperwork was unconventional because of the multiple raises and back-dated pay. Of course he asked the minions how to indicate that on his forms. Of course he followed their advice. And of course, this is what reportedly raised the red flags with the housing director and Investigator.

Now I have that familiar sick, angry feeling in the pit of my stomach again.

We meet with the director on Thursday to talk about the review process. Be thinking abut us, OK?

Saturday, April 22, 2006

German-American history exhibit in Menomonie

I'll post an update of our Housing Authority crapola later, but for right now, you should know this:

Menomonie will receive a traveling exhibit documenting the internment and deportation of German-Americans in the US between the World Wars, through 1945. It's the BUS-eum (I know...sigh), and it'll be at the library on May 1, from 5:00-8:00pm. You should go, because it's free! And interesting. Heck, you might even learn something.

go here for more info:

Friday, April 21, 2006


We meet with the PI this afternoon. The conversation with the HA minion cleared some things up for me this morning.

For example: We shouldn't "lose any sleep over this". And, the PI isn't *really* a PI, he just *works for* the Housing Authority when they have to clarify/investigate claims of inaccuracy, because the regular HA minions are too busy with other work. The only reason he came to our doorstep is because the HA wants him to be up front with everything in "these cases". And, the reason we're being investigated? Chris turned in a form with information which affects our rent amount, and that he later claimed had inaccurate information.

Wish us all luck, and that I don't get writer's cramp from all of my documenting, documenting, documenting.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Now, the private investigator

Well now the Housing Authority is all up in our butts.

Chris works in a job with very dynamic hours. We live in housing that demands a high level of accurate form-submitting. What happens when you get a weary, preoccupied but honest worker, crazy hours, and a to-the-letter Authority? Lots of miscommunication and a private investigator. That's right! We had an unannounced visit today from a PI contracted by the HA as part of their "evaluation" of Chris's forms and stuff "per his request". Chris demanded they retract their opinion that we missed their 10-day notification of changes rule, and the letter they sent him did not do that. Yesterday he asked them to figure out why they wouldn't rescind their determination, and they agreed to re-evaluate his claims. Today, we see the PI. Unannounced. On our doorstep. Got all pissy because we wouldn't let him in to discuss Chris's paperwork, but instead offered to meet on the doorstep or at the HA. Accused Chris of not co-operating. Got us all pissy with each other after the minion left.

I fucking hate having to account for everything all the time to people whose job it is to tell us we are either breaking or following some rule that affects our food or housing money. Hate. It. The alternative is even deeper poverty - and perhaps my having to work some shit job and Chris finding work with fewer hours just to make it all work.

Like the sticker I saw for the 7,319th time yesterday says: "Freedom isn't free!". Right?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Low income? Want to cloth diaper your babe?

Hey all you po' mamas! If you really want to use cloth diapers on your baby, please check this site out! They might be able to help you.

Miracle Diapers:

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Nothing too intereesting unless you know us...

Hell, time is flying. There's nothing like sickness in children to help a mama remember how lucky we are when we're not sick, and to value a strong immune system. Don't get me wrong - I love that Lola uses the toilet now, but that darned long-lasting UTI is about the last thing I want to deal with again.

But Spring is here, finally. The ground is thawed, I've planted my herb seeds already: yarrow, echinacea, calendula, dill, downy sunflower, and the chamomile came back with vigor. Lola also has a garden, and she's planting calendula and cucumber this year. Our seeds have been planted inside (I feel so organized!), including some pretty zinnias for a pot in the front by the door. We're going to plant veggies, too: carrots, cukes, squash and zucchini, tomato, garlic, pumpkin, melon. AND we'll buy a little compost, too, so that things actually can grow! Finally, I'm setting up a sunflower garden on the corner in the back of the house which is purely decorative but I don't care. I decided that it was fun to have a few decorative plantings this time around.

Have you seen Jim's blog? That Russian bear thing was about the most surreal adventure I've read lately. Do go there. BUT don't post! Just browse. It's more amusing if you know any Russians.

We're doing well, otherwise. Chris is working more, which sucks; Lola is bored stiff; and I miss my friends. Damn you, friends, and all your entertainments, for being so far away! We must plan a trip south. R & T in Lockport - you're next.