Mama's Big Ol' Blog

My old blog. Like nostalgia for the old mama over here.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Nothing too intereesting unless you know us...

Hell, time is flying. There's nothing like sickness in children to help a mama remember how lucky we are when we're not sick, and to value a strong immune system. Don't get me wrong - I love that Lola uses the toilet now, but that darned long-lasting UTI is about the last thing I want to deal with again.

But Spring is here, finally. The ground is thawed, I've planted my herb seeds already: yarrow, echinacea, calendula, dill, downy sunflower, and the chamomile came back with vigor. Lola also has a garden, and she's planting calendula and cucumber this year. Our seeds have been planted inside (I feel so organized!), including some pretty zinnias for a pot in the front by the door. We're going to plant veggies, too: carrots, cukes, squash and zucchini, tomato, garlic, pumpkin, melon. AND we'll buy a little compost, too, so that things actually can grow! Finally, I'm setting up a sunflower garden on the corner in the back of the house which is purely decorative but I don't care. I decided that it was fun to have a few decorative plantings this time around.

Have you seen Jim's blog? That Russian bear thing was about the most surreal adventure I've read lately. Do go there. BUT don't post! Just browse. It's more amusing if you know any Russians.

We're doing well, otherwise. Chris is working more, which sucks; Lola is bored stiff; and I miss my friends. Damn you, friends, and all your entertainments, for being so far away! We must plan a trip south. R & T in Lockport - you're next.


  • At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yesterday was lawn care day in the neighborhood. Our next door neighbor got his lawn sodded (along with part of ours) soit got everybody out dealing with lawns. His new lawn makes ours look even worse than usual. The down side is he told us his wife's job of 30 years is getting shipped off to Malasya. So We're afraid he's planning to move. He's been such a good neighbor so we'd be sad to see him go.

    We haven't seen R & T in forever. Maybe if you visit we could all do lunch? Dinner? Midnight snack?

    The Russian postings have slowed to 30-50 a day now

    Be careful of the cukes! Have a trellis for them to climb (mine is a simple frame with rope woven in for the vines to climb)or they will creep about and take over everything!


  • At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I sent you an email (la la la la la [secretly smiling] la la la)



  • At 1:35 PM, Blogger Skim said…

    We'll let you know when we're local. It would be great to see you all again and meet all the kitties!


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