Things are pretty busy around the yard!
My beloved empress beans, beleaguered by mosaic virus. But we ate our first beans today. Yum!
The (mostly) sun gold cherry tomatos. They are huge plants - as tall as me - hard to tell from the picture.
Corner shot. The flowers are calendula, and boy, are they pretty! The flowers practically glow. I can't imagine how cool that would look if I were a bee.
The sad zukes. Why do I even try? Poor things.
View of my long plot, with coneflower, asters, and others:
Can you find the peas? I am a messy gardener.
There are peas, a tomato, gladiola, and assorted weeds in that one.
This is a little clearer view of all that chaos:
Clearer view of the coneflowers.
And the lemon balm, started from seed. It smells great, but a lot like lemon Pledge...
Motherwort and catnip, also started from seed. I planted these next to the house, also.
Of course Lola's garden. Nasturtium, beets, carrots, marigold, and milkweed.
The garlic. A hardy, local-climate-adapted variety given to us by the Erdman's. Beautiful and tasty!
Black-eyed susans. The most cheerful spot in the yard right now.
The Front corner. Big milkweed, more beans, some sunflowers, bellflowers and whatever that bush is.