Mama's Big Ol' Blog

My old blog. Like nostalgia for the old mama over here.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Garden update

Oooh, my garden is growing!

All the zucchinis have flowered, and both cherry tomato plants have little green tomatos. All the beans have sprouted, the radishes are growing, the pumpkin and cukes are flowering, and the older patch of carrots is already a few inches high. The late-sown peas have finally sprouted, too. The winter squash is growing slowly, I hope it fruits this fall.

In the herb gardens, the valerian is as tall as Lola, with sweet-smelling white flowers. The feverfew has also blossomed, finally; the chamomile is everywhere (not "invasive", adaptable!); all 4 varieties of echinacea have sprouted, a little lavendar, too. The sunflowers are numerous, and have formed a little town by the lilac. They will look very cool if they make it to August. I'll be surprised if the calendula flowers. It's still really short, and not very dark green. I don't think I've found the right spot for it to grow well, yet.

The chives and green onion and basil and watercress and mint are up, tiny little seedlings.

What else?
Teddy bear sunflowers are doing great, downy sunflowers came up, a few black-eyed susans, the alyssum is slow growing, and the zinnias are taking their sweet time, too. And then there's the mystery flowers my Russian neighbor gave me, which are coming up slowly, too. The dill already smells great, and is a couple inches high.

Man, there's a lot going on. See, I have been busy.

Plus I found a monarch caterpillar on the milkweed this morning. Life is good!

Now, what's growing in YOUR gardens??


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