Mama's Big Ol' Blog

My old blog. Like nostalgia for the old mama over here.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Baby brag

Now that I wrote that post about not documenting the baby's developmental steps ... Pearl is jumping right into her developmental stuff! Yesterday, Tata pointed out that she is exhibiting proto-scooting behaviors. Hooray! Honestly, I wasn't expecting this one to crawl or scoot, but evidently she decided that was her next step. And today she stood up on her legs at the garden fencing while I held her up from behind. AND she is learning and using some baby signs, as well as imitating stuff we do: when Lola blows a kiss, Pearl puts her hand to her mouth. She claps her hands when we sing "If you're happy and you know it...", pats her diaper when she pees, and more. She also says "Tata" and "Lola". Man, it's moving fast.

And lord help you if you are holding her and you won't let her get to that piece of popcorn on the kitchen floor. And then, if she can grab her spoon, she will try to reach that piece of popcorn on the floor with that spoon, and then if you move the piece of popcorn, she will cry to be put down from your lap and attempt to pick up the little bitty piece of popcorn you didn't see behind your chair legs with the spoon because she can't quite get there on her own yet. And then, if she still can't reach it, she will contentedly decide it's OK to be on the floor because those chair legs sure taste good.

Watching her little mind calculate and explore and seeing how quickly this one learns is sometimes humbling. Babies are just so cool. And this one is just so, intense.


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