Mama's Big Ol' Blog

My old blog. Like nostalgia for the old mama over here.

Friday, November 18, 2005

10 Things to do with WIC beans

I've had a request for ideas of what to do with all those pounds of dried beans you get from WIC. I mean, plain old beans is pretty old. Here are some things you may want to try with all those legumes:

1. Make bean bags.
Remember how fun that was? Just need some cheapo fabric from Goodwill or use an old shirt. Go crazy! Play bean bag tic tac toe.

2. Spend your winter counting them, perhaps arranging them by size and/or color.

3. Plant them next spring (away from rabbits! rabbits will eat your sprouty plants!)

4. Make a rattle. Or maracas.

5. Art! Glue, construction paper, macaroni, straws, whatever. Sculpt your favorite mammal, or a favorite book.

6. Sensory table media for the older toddlers.

7. Donate them to the Food Pantry.

8. Send them to friends. Wrap them in colorful hand-made boxes and claim they're magic beans. Just don't tell Mom!

9. I suppose you could really eat them... Chili? Refried beans (our favorite)? Vegetable stew? Black bean and corn pie?

10. Accidentally spill them and wait for the drama?


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