Mama's Big Ol' Blog

My old blog. Like nostalgia for the old mama over here.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The best poop cake ever.

Well, friends, it's been a while.

I've turned 37, went to Madison, watched Pearl learn to stand (not all the way on her own yet) and yearn to walk. I've been sleep deprived, broke, cranky, happy and sad that my little baby looks like a toddler now.

My recent birthday party was fun and filled with children and chaos and chocolate cake and friends with nothing else in mind except celebrating the anniversary of my birth with me, joyfully. I got to play with the baby, talk a lot, open cards, feel loved. Chris made delicious pierogis filled with cheese and mushrooms. From scratch - even the dough! Lola and our neighbor made birthday cards, decorated the living room, genuinely had fun. People I care about had fun, and knowing that I am responsible for providing that opportunity really shifted the funk I'd been in for days, making Mama lighter and brighter and a little less self-pitying. It was, in fact, just what I needed. And the loot! The very best potatoes I've ever eaten. Super-tart crab apples. Cake made from scratch by my friend! So, so good. Even if she called it "poop cake".

And now Mama got some good press in the recent issue of Volume One. A little blurb about how I'm still publishing. Promising the "hella fun!" issue for #6, due a bit after Halloween. I am hoping to write a bit of that with Tata, so it will definitely be damned funny.

And Tata's essay draft is really wonderful. So full of heart-felt fatherly feeling and revolutionary throughts. People, I am - we all are in our little family - luckier than I imagined.

The season is changing up here, is it where you are? Night time is chilly - around 50-55 or so. The crickets are winding down, the yellow jackets are thinning out near our house, the lake is a putrid stench that permeates my hair when the wind blows just right off of the lake at the park. Ahh, Fall.


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