Mama's Big Ol' Blog

My old blog. Like nostalgia for the old mama over here.

Monday, January 30, 2006

World, big and small

I must ask, rhetorically, Who the heck calls us at 4:20 a.m. and let's it get to the answering machine but doesn't leave a message?! Grumble. At least there's coffee.

On a brighter note, we're planning Lola's 4th birthday, figuring out what to do and make. This is such a fun part of parenting, finding the things she loves. I checked out a 4 disc CD from the library called "101 Toddler Favorites" or some such title and did she ever love that! Watching her face as she heard songs she already knew was so affirming and poignant. It's as if she is discovering that the world is both big and small -- large enough that her experience is duplicated, but small enough that she can know it. As difficult as 3 and 4 are, philosophically and emotionally, I looooove being the mama of someone learning these things. And being the one providing her with this experience is priceless. It feels as if I am doing right, finding the things she loves and helping her into them.

And in Menomonie, it snowed! And we're planning our garden. I'm always looking for non-genetically modified seeds for our garden. If you have some and would like to trade them for squash or sunflower seeds (heirloom), please let me know. Lola and I are also looking for decorative stuff for the corners of the house, maybe something bushy that smells nice, and a red thing for a pot by the front door. Ideas? Must be hardy, and tolerate the Wisconsin climate (zone 4). Perennials and herbs preferred.


  • At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Was just lookin' at your CD and remembering that I need to sendsome pics myself. Baby #1 looks so much like you these days. Baby #1 also looks like she LOVES being big sister to Baby #2. Lovely babies.

    I'll see what I have re: seeds. How about a rabbit fence this year? :)

    So, any idea on how to get Gnats from taking residence in my indoor plants?


  • At 7:01 AM, Blogger Skim said…

    I'll ask Tata about the gnats. He's the indoor plant guru, I'm the gardener.

    And we're plotting a chicken wire fence to keep out our hungry rabbit friends, and dissuade deer. It's so cool that we have outside space to garden, and that the gov't. doesn't spray our yards or anything with chemicals. We now have a baby swing for Pearl, so I can hook her up to the clothesline when I need to dig or hang laundry. I miss the sun!

    And yes, Lola loves being big sister. That child looooves babies! Since she was little little. And Pearl is so amused by Lola, she especially loves to watch Lola run amok and dance and do yoga.

    They are lovely! Pearl is developing a little dimple in her chin, and has blond highlights in her hair (!!!). Craziness. My brown eyed, brown haired girls are intense and cute. And very clear about what they need. Assertive mama, assertive daughters.... lol


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