Mama's Big Ol' Blog

My old blog. Like nostalgia for the old mama over here.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Help a Family in Need through Mothering

It's Holiday Helper time again!

Over at the Mothering discussion forums, members (and moms) organize an annual giving program for families in need. Families register with a list of needs, and anyone -- even you! -- who wants to help provide the family with warm clothes, new books, shoes, gas cards, whatever you can give and whatever they need.

Here is the list of families who are already on the list. Usually 200 or more families receive help around the holidays from the generosity of strangers. Helping goes through the end of the year. The families have NO idea who is helping, or what they will get. In this program, when a mom in need registers for the list, it's like someone chose you for their secret admirer and then they all send you things you really need or things that will make your life a little happier. And when you are flat broke and need everything, this usually moves you to tears.

So go to the list and see if you can help, or email me and I'll organize help for a family if you like. But I need help to do that.


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