Mama's Big Ol' Blog

My old blog. Like nostalgia for the old mama over here.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


So much for the current blog thing. Life with the baby continues to amaze me as it changes constantly. She's 3 months old now! You'd think that the dynamic life of the mama if two would be old hat, but NO! Pearl is bigger, thoug still quite easily portable (thank you, unknown ancestors, for the small baby genes). She smiles and laughs, coos, gurgles, spits up a lot, and sometimes cries unconsolably. No, it's not colic, she's just got to express herself until she feels better.

In other news, my friend Carrie's baby is due any day now. Happy home birthing vibes to you, Mama.

My next issue of the zine has been delayed due to my lack of fast typing ability. One-handed typing works, but is so slow. And typing in the sling is not workable yet. The good news about all that is: 1) I'll be able to include my thoughts about Halloween, and 2) since it's taking me 5 times as long to finish this issue I can claim more hours for my Housing Authority community service requirement.

Just blame the patriarchy.
I Blame the Patriarchy

Even raising children can remind me of death, birth, and long cycles of change. And because mama loves you, I will one day write about this very phenomenon.

Now that I can, will post more often. Feel free to add comments.


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